Anyone who has invested in owning a flatbed truck will tell you that there are endless ways that these vehicles can come in handy. If you’ve been deliberating whether you should get a flatbed truck of your own, these suggestions below should help guide you along the process.

At DTI Trucks in Wheat Ridge and Denver, CO, we offer a wide variety of the best flatbed trucks on the market for you to choose from. Until then, here are some of the top flatbed truck uses to make the decision-making process a little easier.

Transporting Materials 

Flatbed trucks are especially common in the construction industry for their transporting capabilities. Whether it’s heavy building materials or smaller pieces of equipment, flatbed trucks have the power to get them from point A to B and can be a convenient asset to have with you on site.


Landscapers also rely on flatbed trucks to carry out their jobs successfully. These vehicles are heavy-powered and great for hauling away trees, brush and other piles of debris. Similar to construction experts, landscapers can also enjoy transporting their heavy equipment with ease without having to pay for additional transportation.


Flatbed trucks have great towing potential which only serves to increase their transporting capacities. Especially for trailer owners, a flatbed truck could be an asset for moving your possessions across long distances at any given time.

To check out our impressive lineup of flatbed trucks, visit us in Wheat Ride and Denver and one of our team members will be happy to assist you!